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The AMSE Summer School provides students with the opportunity to learn from leading academics in their fields and engage with peers, while discovering the splendor of one of the most coveted summer destinations.



The AMSE Summer School 2022 covers recent theories and empirical approaches that economists have designed to study the determinants and the implications of economic growth.

Economic growth determines the well-being of billions of people. Identifying the determinants of a country’s rate of economic growth and appreciating its implications is thus of paramount importance to understand the development trajectories of nations. The aggregate growth of an economy interacts with the decisions of individuals (e.g., to invest in education), firms (e.g., to innovate) and with government policies. What’s more, the historical, cultural and institutional backgrounds of a country also influence growth and how it interacts with and responds to decisions by economic agents. The past three decades have witnessed major steps in our understanding of what aspects lead to or prevent sustained economic growth and what are the consequences of income growth. Economists have proposed rich models and novel empirical approaches that depart from simply considering capital accumulation, and focus on a variety of aspects including the degree of competition, political institutions, income inequality, and climate change.

During the three days of the Summer School, students will get rigorous and in-depth exposure to the most recent theories and empirical methods in the economics of growth. Lectures will be given by leading experts in the field: Philippe Aghion (Collège de France and London School of Economics), Stelios Michalopoulos (Brown University), Raouf Boucekkine (Aix-Marseille University, AMSE and Rennes School of Business) and Cecilia Garcia-Peñalosa (CNRS, EHESS, AMSE).

This year’s summer school should be of interest to graduate students or academics who want to expand their knowledge in this thriving area of research and to practitioners who want to familiarize themselves with the key advances in models and the empirics of growth. Participants will have the opportunity to present their research in workshop and poster sessions during the summer school.



- Deadline for submissions: April 29, 2022
- Registration deadline: May 10, 2022



Contact us for any question or special request concerning the Summer School (courses, travel, stay in Aix-en-Provence, fees, etc.) at summerschool@amse-aixmarseille.fr.


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